A laminar flow cabinet is a carefully enclosed bench, designed to prevent contamination of any particle-sensitive materials in the laboratory or cleanroom. Laminar flow cabinets or hoods are physical containment devices that act as primary barriers to protect the material within the hood from different sources of contamination.
Laminar Flow Cabinets create particle-free working environments by projecting air through a filtration system and exhausting it across a work surface in a laminar or unidirectional air stream. They provide an excellent clean air environment for a range of cleanroom requirements, whereby air is drawn through a HEPA filter and blown in a very smooth, laminar flow.
The cabinet is usually made of stainless steel, with no gaps or joints where spores might collect. Such hoods exist in both horizontal and vertical configurations. There are many different types of cabinets with a variety of airflow patterns and acceptable uses.
Laminar flow cabinets are also known as ‘flow cabinets’, ‘clean benches’ or ‘laminar flow benches’. At Total Clean Air, we install, test and validate different types of laminar flow cabinets, as well as provide troubleshooting activities and certification of HEPA Filters in cleanrooms per ISO 14644-1. We can also help determine the best tools for our customers’ specific requirements.
Modular Cleanroom Benefits
- Modular Construction
- Quick Assembly Time
- Versatility
- Reconfiguration
- Airflow Control
- Inexpensive Modifications
Types of Laminar Flow Cabinets
There are many types of cabinets, with a variety of airflow patterns for different purposes. Laminar Flow Cabinets can be produced as two common types: vertical and horizontal – each describing the airflow direction. Both ensure a work space devoid of contaminants, which can be tailored to fit the requirements of any cleanroom.
Cleanroom Design, Build & Validation
- Budgeting and planning
- Engineering, design & layout
- Airflow and filtration design
- Construction and Installation
- Full Certification of our product
- Industry-specific equipment installation
- Validation
Horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinets
Horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinets receive their name due to the direction of air flow which comes from above, but then changes direction and is processed across the work zone in a horizontal direction. A Horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinet discharges particle-free air horizontally out of the cabinet. The constant flow of unidirectional or laminar HEPA filtered air acts as a barrier and prevents airborne contaminants from entering the work zone.
Modular Cleanroom Services
- Design & Build
- Free Site Survey
- Free Design Service
- Cleanroom Planning
- Construction and Installation
- CNC Engineered
- Training & Support
- Discounted Service Contracts
- Remedial Works
- Panel Repairs
- Alternations
- BMS Management
- Cleanroom Certification
- Differential Pressure Qualification
- Servicing Testing Validation
- Smoke Testing
- DOP Testing
Vertical Laminar Flow Cabinets
Vertical Laminar Flow Cabinets function equally well as horizontal Laminar Flow Cabinets, with the laminar air directed vertically downwards on to the working area. The air can then leave the working area via holes in the base.
These units discharge particle-free air vertically downwards on to the work zone, where it changes direction and then leaves the cabinet horizontally via a fixed opening or aperture. This type of cabinet is also known as a ‘Downflow Cabinet’. Notably, vertical flow cabinets can provide greater operator protection.
Cleanroom Features
- ISO 4-9
- ISO 14644
- Low Power Consumption
- Environmentally Friendly
- HEPA Filters
- Air Filtration
- Fan Filter Units
- Cleanroom Ceiling System
- Temperature Control
- Access Control
- Inter Lock Door Systems
- Air Showers
- Unidirectional Airflow
- Desiccator Cabinets
- Horizontal Flow Wall Modules
- Horizontal Laminar Flow Clean Benches
- Laminar flow cabinets
- Laminar Flow Canopy
How Horizontal and Vertical Laminar Flow Cabinets Work
Both types of hoods use a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter and blowers that generate a continuous stream of air. The horizontal laminar flow clean bench is used to provide a near-sterile environment for the clean handling of materials and equipment in the cleanroom. Because the air stream pattern directs the flow of air within the hood directly back to the hood operator and the room, horizontal flow hoods are never used with infectious agents or toxic chemicals.
The vertical laminar flow cabinet is suitable for work with low to moderate-risk biological agents in the absence of toxic or radioactive chemicals. This type of cabinet is a mechanically ventilated device that discharges unidirectional airflow at a controlled speed across a defined workspace. The device provides a zone of particle-free ‘clean’ air in which sensitive work can be conducted.
These cabinets generally comprise a structure housing a fan unit, high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter and a work surface.
Performance Standards of Laminar Flow Cabinets
There is no need for a specific design and performance standard for flow cabinets. The only reference standard generally used is ISO 14644-1:1999. Meanwhile, BS EN ISO 14644-1:1999 covers the classification of air cleanliness in cleanrooms and associated controlled environments. This is based solely on the concentration of airborne particles.
Different grades of HEPA and ULPA filter can be installed within the cabinet. A laminar flow cabinet can achieve a Grade A cleanliness classification if the surrounding air is maintained and classified as Grade B.
Cleanroom Industries/Sectors
Total Clean Air for the Installation of Standard Laminar Flow Cabinets
At Total Clean Air, we employ innovative methods and pride ourselves on constructing and installing state-of-the-art laminar flow cabinets for all cleanroom facilities, regardless of size or shape. Our services are ISO 14001, ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 accredited.
Our friendly, professional sales staff are just one call away from reducing any stress involved with your upcoming cleanroom project. Are you ready to start a project with Total Clean Air? Give us a call today.