Materials science is an interdisciplinary field, often referred to as ‘materials science and engineering’. It encompasses the physics and chemistry of matter, as well as engineering applications and industrial manufacturing processes. We live in a world that relies on advanced materials such as optical fibres for silicon microchips, telecommunications and lightweight composites for faster, more efficient vehicles.
Materials scientists study the make-up and relationship between the properties and structure of a material. They also create materials and develop new processes for manufacturing them.
It is a critical aspect of quantum computing, medical technologies, nanotechnology, biotechnology, healthcare, renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, transportation, aerospace and nuclear fusion.
Materials scientists understand the history of a material, the influence on its structure and the material’s properties and performances.
Modular Cleanroom Benefits
- Modular Construction
- Quick Assembly Time
- Versatility
- Reconfiguration
- Airflow Control
- Inexpensive Modifications
Materials science applications that require cleanrooms for manufacturing and research
Semiconductors and Microelectronics
The existence of semiconductors has been recognised since the 19th century. The concept wasn’t tested until the mid-1940’s when the advent of zone refining made it possible to purify silicon and germanium to higher levels. Since silicon is found in all electronic devices, it is the most-used semiconductor material.
Today, semiconductors, ceramics and metals are used in the manufacture of sophisticated systems such as optical mass storage media, optoelectronic devices and integrated electronic circuits.
Before using silicon for manufacturing, it must be refined to 100% purity to ensure the manufactured chips function properly. The smallest speck of dust or contamination in the process could ruin an entire batch and lead to a recall of products, worth millions of dollars.
The only way to control contamination is to conduct manufacturing within a cleanroom. Here, temperature, humidity, pressure and air flow will be closely monitored. Total Clean Air builds cost-effective semiconductor manufacturing cleanrooms that meet your industry requirements and cleanroom classification.
Cleanroom Design, Build & Validation
- Budgeting and planning
- Engineering, design & layout
- Airflow and filtration design
- Construction and Installation
- Full Certification of our product
- Industry-specific equipment installation
- Validation
Modular Cleanroom Services
- Design & Build
- Free Site Survey
- Free Design Service
- Cleanroom Planning
- Construction and Installation
- CNC Engineered
- Training & Support
- Discounted Service Contracts
- Remedial Works
- Panel Repairs
- Alternations
- BMS Management
- Cleanroom Certification
- Differential Pressure Qualification
- Servicing Testing Validation
- Smoke Testing
- DOP Testing
Cleanroom Features
- ISO 4-9
- ISO 14644
- Low Power Consumption
- Environmentally Friendly
- HEPA Filters
- Air Filtration
- Fan Filter Units
- Cleanroom Ceiling System
- Temperature Control
- Access Control
- Inter Lock Door Systems
- Air Showers
- Unidirectional Airflow
- Desiccator Cabinets
- Horizontal Flow Wall Modules
- Horizontal Laminar Flow Clean Benches
- Laminar flow cabinets
- Laminar Flow Canopy
Nanomaterials describe materials where a single unit is between 1 and 1000 nanometers. Nanomaterials research applies a science-based approach to nanotechnology. The goal is to leverage current advances in materials synthesis and metrology, developed in support of microfabrication research. At this nanoscale, such materials have unique mechanical, electronic or optical properties.
Nanotechnology builds the bridge between the fields of chemistry, biology, engineering and physics. Hence, several analytical techniques are employed to study or alter the nano-cosmos and generate usable products.
Materials include:
- Nanofabrication
- Nanoparticles
- Nanocomposites
- Nanomedicine
- Carbon nanotubes
- Nanoplatelet
- Thermoelectrics
- Nanomagnetics
- Carbon Dots and Quantum Dots
- Transparent electronics
For years, scientists have created and tweaked extremely tiny materials, atom by atom, in contaminant-free cleanrooms. Cleanrooms are important for nanotechnology research, as the smallest dust particle, water vapour, vibration or fatty fume could damage fabrication.
Total Clean Air builds cutting-edge cleanrooms that enable more efficient and faster materials science. Our comprehensive design and construction ensure a cost-effective and high-quality solution for your nanotechnology project. We also offer a full range of specialised cleaning products and cleanroom consumables for nanotechnology cleanrooms and laboratories.
Contact us today for your pre-fabricated research and manufacturing cleanrooms
Total Clean Air is an expert in cleanroom construction and installation across a wide range of industries. Your cleanroom includes innovative modular walls, pass-throughs, windows, ceiling systems, HEPA filters and other customisable features. We also provide cleanroom certification and training services.